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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Apple's Jobs to get new MacBook for birthday?

Steve Jobs, CEO Apple Inc., turns 56 on Feb. 24, 2011. reports that Apple may take this opportunity to launch a new line-up of Macbook Pro laptops. This will break Apple's tradition of unveiling devices on a Tuesday in March as they may want to honour their founder on his birthday.

Steve Jobs may not be present at the event as he is on an indefinite medical leave since early January. The Apple founder has battled many health issues including pancreatic cancer and a liver transplant in the last decade.

Until we hear some confirmed specs, here's our wish list for the new MacBook Pros.

1. New Sandy Bridge Intel Processors
2. USB 3.0
3. Full HD displays in the 13 and 15 inch models
4. Blu-Ray Drive (We are hopeful but it seems unlikely)
5. Better battery life
6. SSD Storage with up to 512 GB drives
7. For some time now, we have heard whispers of a technology developed by Apple and Intel called Light Peak, which is capable of transferring data of up to 10GB/s, both up and down.

Hopefully, we will see this tech take life in the new MacBook Pros.

Until then, happy birthday Steve Jobs. We wish you a speedy recovery!

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