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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Laser leaves its mark

A technology that has redefined the progress of mankind, laser completes 50 years of its existence this year. To commemorate the occasion, the Raman Science Center (RSC) has decided to set up a temporary exhibition showcasing the wonders of this phenomenal technology.

Scheduled to begin on the auspicious Indian National Science Day that falls on February 28, the exhibition would be on display for 45 days.

Speaking on the marvels of Laser, project coordinator, Shrikant Pathak said, "This is one invention that has given solutions even before the problems arose. There are so many wide avenues where this technology is already being utilized, yet there are many yet to be discovered. There is immense possibility that laser gives to the world of science."

From entertainment and art to communication and defence, scientists have used laser in many devices and equipment to fulfil many of the human needs. In fact, it is the only way known to man to measure distances between the earth and other heavenly bodies like moon with the help of reflected laser beams. The very term 'laser' is an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.

The planned gallery in the RSC starts with the simple explanation of the complex technique using a glass tube with a hole in the centre that only allows thermocol balls of a certain radius to pass through it. This will be the magnified and simplified experiment to make people understand how the technology is dependent on the right wavelength of the beam of light.

A special mention has been given to the heroes of LASER technology through the years, including a special display of contributors from India. There is also a galaxy of Nobel laureates who have worked in the field of laser.

The exhibition goes on to inform about the various fields of human enterprise that have benefited from it. Weapons and missiles, bombs and guns - all of them make use of this wonderful technology. Laser is also indispensable in the field of medicines as many surgeries ranging from the mild lasik and deletion of tattoos to the more complicated heart and brain surgeries. Many cosmetic surgeries like facelift and removal of birthmarks too are conducted by laser technology.

The exhibition ends with a beautiful display in the form of a laser show. In this exhibit, light beams of various colours are used to create a kaleidoscopic imagery that is sure to leave everyone enthralled. The last exhibit aims at challenging the spectators as it would pose questions related to the technology that have been answered in the different displays of the exhibition.

Laser has especially proved to be a boon for the automobile industry where it used for everything from cutting to welding. Devices like keyboards, mouse and printers, too, make ample use of this technique. The most revolutionary use of the technology however has been in the field developing other technologies. Fiber optics, blue ray and red ray storage has all been possible due to this little wonder seen as a beam red of light.

The technology has also made its mark on the world of art. Marquee displays, pieces of jewellery, paintings, glass etching, there are several ways how the artists have let their imaginations flow and use this technology.


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