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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Spanish Nun Kicked Out Of Convent For Using Facebook Too Much

Facebook gets people in trouble all the time. From ending relationships to derailing careers, the most popular social network in the world is a place where using caution is paramount. 
But for one Spanish nun, not even her good deeds were enough to keep her from getting kicked out of her convent because of Facebook.
María Jesús Galán, known as "Sor Internet" or "Sister Internet", told a Spanish newspaper she was asked to leave her convent because she was on Facebook too much.  
The 54-year-old Dominican nun spent 34 years at the convent and spearheaded the effort to modernize its archives. She painstakingly transferred the ancient texts to computer and won a local government award in 2008 for her work, The Telegraph in London reported.
Galán said that jealousy from a few of the nuns came to pass and that, in the end, they won, Spain's El País reported on its website. But she told the paper that she didn't want to elaborate further. "Everything has already happened and its not worth it to dwell on the injury," she said in Spanish.

A Facebook fan page called "María Jesús Galán -- sor Internet," was created Thursday, the day the news broke, and has amassed more than 8,000 fans in just four days. The page features posts of support and well-wishing in both English and Spanish, as well as comments attacking the convent's decision.
"And this is the way the Church pretends to attract the youth?" Tomas de Elizande from Argentina said in the first post on Thursday.
"I'm sure that Jesus approves of the use of social networks, mostly because you use them in an excellent way and you touch the hearts of so many people," Daniel Jiménez wrote to Galán a couple of posts later.
In an audio interview with El País, Galán said that the "Internet is a place with wonderful things and terrible things, and so I think that more than God being in the Internet -- God is in the people on the Internet. If you are really a clean person who goes looking for something for your job or for your leisure, then I think you are perfectly with God."
Despite the decision, Galán continues to receive love from the fast-growing fan page dedicated to her. Many who don't share her faith have also commented in support of her.
"God bless you, Sister Maria. We are behind you even though I am a Chinese Buddha worshipper," Mark Lim Thiam Seng wrote.
Other comments made it clear that Galán has the backing of Latinos across the world. 
"Un abrazo Argentino" (A hug from Argentina), "We're with you from Colombia" and greetings from Portugal could easily be seen near the top of the page.
And so it seems that Galán's feelings about the Internet can be used to sum up her Facebook tale as well. Positive and negative, all in one

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